Welcome to Quest Grappling Academy of Norman. We now have combined our academy with Jackson Lee Academy and have 3 BJJ blackbelts under one roof.
We're pleased to have you visit our site and look forward to you beginning your journey in, an effective martial art known as, Brazilian Jiujitsu. Quest Grappling Academy of Norman was formed with a desire to build up the local community thru martial arts training. Our primary disciplines are Brazilian Jiujitsu, Judo, Kickboxing and Wrestling.
We are affiliated with the world-class guidance of Professor Roy Dean who holds a 4th degree black belt in Brazilian Jiujitsu under renowned Professor Roy Harris. Professor Roy Dean also holds a black belt in Aikikai Aikido and Kodokan Judo and has written several books on the martial arts, "The Martial Apprentice" and "Becoming the BlackBelt".
In addition to Brazilian Jiujitsu, our Academy has instructors holding black belts in Japanese Jiujitsu, Aikido, Judo, Karate, Filipino Arnis, JKD and over 10 years of Folkstyle Wrestling experience.
We are now operating out of Jackson Lee Academy and have instruction from Mike and Ken Jackson, both 3rd degree black belts under Christiano Marcelo. We look forward to you visiting our academy, see you soon!

email: info@jacksonleeacademy.com